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 This solved my big problem

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This solved my big problem Empty
BeitragThema: This solved my big problem   This solved my big problem Icon_minitimeDo Aug 04, 2011 2:19 pm

Hello. Rip the movie files to the HDD using the latest version of DVDFab Decrypter, once done open the files with DVDShrink (use the open files option and browse to the VIDEO_TS folder, highlight it and click ok), at this point use shrink as you normally would. Get dvdfab Decrypter here: If shrink gives you a problem when trying to open the files created by DVDFab, you'll need to process the files thru VobBlanker first then open the files created by VobBlanker with shrink as described. Get VobBlanker here: 13 Feb 2006 @ 4:13
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This solved my big problem
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